Choosing Your Budget

Your marketing objectives will determine which budget strategy you should choose. The table below outlines our suggested strategies depending on your goals.

Budget Recommendations


  • When to use: When quick sales are required. The aim is to get as many sales as possible in the shortest possible time.  In the long run, it can not be sustained due to exorbitant costs. After the achievement of requisite sales then we recommend switching to a moderate/balanced strategy. 
  • Monthly budget: $500 – $1000
  • Daily budget: $16-$33


  • When to use: When the budget is extremely constrained. This strategy relies on getting on lowest cost sales but can’t scale due to the limited budget.
  • Monthly budget: $50-$100
  • Daily budget: $1.60-$3.30


  • When to use: This strategy is a mix of both, it is aggressive in targeting sales while maintaining low bids.
  • Monthly budget: $150 – $500
  • Daily budget: $5-$16

Marketing Objective Considerations

Your budget will depend on your Marketing Objectives, such as if you are selling a $5000 course and the book is a lead magnet for the course then the monthly budget can be up to $2000 (since Return on Investment or ROI is calculated in terms of course sale and not book sales and ads expenditure).

If you are selling a fiction book that is the first in a series, you can expect to have a higher ACOS and should look at the increased sales of that author and series as a whole to calculate ROI.

Researched Based Budget

If you are interested in researching your targeted keywords to help you select your daily budget, it’s important to consider the cost per click (CPC) for the keywords you’re targeting, as well as your overall marketing goals.

  1. First, you should determine your target audience and the keywords you want to target.
  2. Then, research the average CPC for your chosen keywords. We recommend tools like JungleScout.
  3. Calculate how many clicks you can afford per day based on your budget.
  4. Set your daily budget at a level that allows you to meet your marketing goals while staying within your overall budget.