Expectations: Your First Few Months

Setting Realistic Expectations with Publishing Performance: A Guide to Long-Term Success

At Publishing Performance, we pride ourselves on delivering a sophisticated AI advertising tool designed to optimize your book campaigns. While our AI leverages years of experience and continuously learns to employ the best strategies, it’s essential to understand that there is no magic shortcut to instant success. Effective ad campaigns take time, patience, and a strategic approach. Here’s a detailed look at what you can expect in the first few months of using Publishing Performance.

Month One: The Learning Phase

What to expect

  • ACOS will be higher than your target ACOS
  • Low sales 
  • Gradually increasing impressions
  • Full budget likely not spent


During the first month, our AI is focused on understanding the unique aspects of your book and identifying which strategies work best. This initial phase is crucial for gathering the data needed to refine strategies that will lead to higher sales and lower ACOS in the future. Years of research indicate that a slower, methodical approach to bidding is essential for a successful long-term strategy. This method improves the quality of data our AI collects and minimizes wasted spending.

Month Two: Refining Strategies

What to expect

  • ACOS will start to decrease as targeting improves
  • Increased sales at a better ad cost
  • Higher budget utilization


By the second month, our AI has collected enough data to discern what works and what doesn’t for your book. It will begin to increase bids on high-performing keywords and identify new targets that are likely to be effective. This leads to improved overall campaign efficiency and better results, with more sales at a lower ad cost.

Month Three: Gaining Confidence

What to expect

  • Steady increase in sales
  • Decrease or stabilization in ACOS


At this stage, our AI has honed in on the best approaches to boost your book sales. It will continue to refine these strategies to achieve the highest possible sales and the best ACOS. You’ll notice a more consistent performance as the AI becomes increasingly adept at optimizing your campaigns.

Month Four and Beyond: Continuous Improvement

What to expect

  • Ongoing optimization of campaigns
  • Improved sales and ACOS where possible


From the fourth month onward, our AI will keep enhancing campaign performance based on accumulated data. It will continuously tweak strategies to maximize your return on investment, driving more sales while maintaining or improving your ACOS.

What's Next?

Once you start achieving your desired ACOS, consider increasing your budget. This allows you to take full advantage of the optimized campaigns and high-performing keywords identified by our AI, driving more sales while maintaining a favorable ACOS. 

If ACOS is still higher than expected, we recommend reviewing your Amazon listing for improvement opportunities, such as the book cover, description, and author profile.


By setting realistic expectations and understanding the phased approach our AI takes, you can be confident in the long-term success of your ad campaigns. Trust in the process, stay patient, and watch as our AI transforms your book advertising into a finely tuned engine for sales growth.